A comprehensive eye examination by an optometrist can often determine if there are visual issues interfering with a child's ability to perform in school. Many visual symptoms, some obvious, others less so, can contribute to a child's poor academic achievement. The most common symptoms to watch out for:
Blur at distance or near
Skipping or re-reading lines or words
Reduced reading comprehension
Difficulty shifting focus from near to far or far to near
Difficulty copying from the smart board
Double vision
Closing or covering an eye when working at near
Headaches; especially in the forehead, temple, or eyebrow regions
Difficulty attending to near work or an avoidance of reading
Poor spelling
Misaligning numbers in math
Unusual head or body posture when working at near
Some of these issues can be alleviated with a good pair of eyeglasses while others may require vision therapy. All the doctors at Eye Vision Associates are trained in the diagnosis of vision related learning problems.
If you have any questions regarding your child (or any young school aged family member) please feel free to contact our two therapy doctors Dr. Meltzer: BRMeltzer@EyeVisionAssociates.com or Dr. Tamburro: Tamburro@EyeVisionAssociates.com For more information click below.